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The Power of Networking: Elevating Your Personal and Business Brand – A Dual Perspective

The Power of Networking: Elevating Your Personal and Business Brand – A Dual Perspective


Networking has always been a cornerstone for career advancement and business growth. This is especially true in the dynamic field of additive manufacturing and advanced manufacturing. Amidst the rise of 3D printing technologies, professionals looking to progress their careers and leaders aiming to cultivate their company’s brand find themselves at a crucial intersection; how to effectively network in a digital age without losing the personal touch that solidifies strong connections.

Understanding Networking: Online vs. In-Person

In a world where LinkedIn requests are as common as handshakes once were, the approach to forging professional relationships has morphed significantly. Online networking allows candidates and companies to reach globally, connecting with industry peers, thought leaders, and potential collaborators at minimal cost and with exceptional convenience. However, this digital interaction often misses the personal connection of a physical handshake or a shared laugh after a conference keynote.

In contrast, in-person networking carries the irreplaceable weight of human interaction. The spontaneous conversation at a coffee stand or the in-depth discussion during a panel Q&A can spark relationships that online mediums can only hope to replicate. Yet, such personal interaction comes at a premium, requiring both time and financial investment, and the network scope can be limited to those accessible within a specific geographical location.

Preparing for a Trade Show: A Candidate’s Guide

As additive manufacturing flourishes, trade shows have become a hotbed for talent and businesses to intersect. For candidates aiming to navigate these events successfully, preparing strategically can make all the difference.

Research: The Foundation of Preparation

Starting your trade show journey begins with extensive research. Trade shows usually list their exhibitors online, giving you the perfect starting point to curate a list of companies you’re interested in. Dive deep into their recent activities by exploring press releases, new product launches, and social media updates. Understanding their latest projects and company direction allows you to tailor your conversations to demonstrate how your skill set aligns with their initiatives.

Then, familiarise yourself with the key players at the event. Knowing the background of potential networking contacts—their roles within the company, professional interests, and recent LinkedIn posts—can provide conversational gateways and help avoid generic interactions.

Crafting Your Pitch

Your personal elevator pitch is your verbal business card and your first impression at a trade show. It should summarise your professional background, expertise in additive manufacturing, and unique value proposition.

Begin by introducing yourself and what you do, focusing on the aspects of your work most relevant to the additive manufacturing field. Explain what you’re passionate about professionally and the kind of projects that excite you. Highlight specific skills or achievements that make you stand out and relate them to how they could benefit your target companies.

Finally, finish with a purposeful intention—whether seeking new career opportunities, offering your expertise as a consultant, or proposing potential collaborations. Practice your pitch until it feels natural, and you can deliver it confidently without sounding scripted.

Making Connections Count

Once at the trade show, it’s time to act. Approach company stands not with your resumé but with insightful questions and commentary. Be curious about the company’s displayed products or services and share how your skills could complement their work in additive manufacturing.

When engaging with individuals, make sure to create a two-way dialogue. Seize the opportunity to learn, not just to be heard. Ask about challenges they are facing or trends they’re excited about in the industry, and be ready to share your perspective.

After a conversation, always ask for a business card and immediately note down any specific topics discussed on the back. This will serve as a crucial reminder when following up later, aiding you in tailoring your follow-up correspondence to each connection.

For Companies: Growing Your Employer Brand Through Networking

Companies attending trade shows to attract top talent in additive and advanced manufacturing must engage in strategic networking to maximize visibility and appeal to potential candidates. Transforming a booth into a magnet for skilled professionals requires more than eye-catching graphics. It demands a blend of brand presentation, interactive experiences, and the projection of company culture and ethos.

Building an Inviting Booth

An inviting booth is your company’s physical LinkedIn profile – it should represent your brand’s ethos, achievements, and promise. Begin by ensuring that your booth design is visually appealing. Use high-quality banners and have a clean, professional setup. Incorporate interactive elements such as 3D models, working prototypes, or live demonstrations to attract attendees and give them a tangible sense of your work.

Beyond aesthetics, staff your booth with individuals who embody your company culture and are well-versed in discussing your products and the opportunities and career paths you offer. They should be genuinely enthusiastic about engaging with attendees and adept at exchanging ideas with top talent. Make sure they have the know-how to articulate what sets your company apart in terms of innovation, professional development, and growth opportunities.

Engaging in Meaningful Interactions

For a company, the goal should be to forge connections that resonate with potential candidates. Achieve this by starting discussions centered around industry insights, technological advances, and career opportunities within your company. Steer the conversation to show how the candidate’s ambitions can align with your organization’s objectives.

Companies should try to understand the interests and skills of attendees interacting with their representatives. Ask open-ended questions to candidates to glean their professional interests, experiences, and what they are looking for in their career journey. This allows your representatives to tailor the conversation to highlight your company’s unique opportunities relevant to their aspirations.

Leaving a Lasting Impression

To entice top talent, companies must focus on creating a lasting impression post-event. Providing memorable takeaways such as well-crafted informational brochures or branded gifts can help. Ensure these materials emphasize the innovative aspects of your work and the supportive, enriching environment you offer employees.

In addition to physical takeaways, capturing contact information and promptly following up with personalized messages will reinforce the positive interactions from the trade show. In your correspondence, reference specific conversations and show how the candidate can engage further with your company. This could be through a formal job application, an invitation to a company event, or a one-on-one meeting with a key team member.

Maximising Networking ROI: Best Practices

Whether you’re an individual or a company, the effort shouldn’t end when the event does. Prompt follow-up is vital to transforming a handshake or a business card exchange into a long-lasting professional relationship. Regular check-ins, valuable content sharing, and casual catch-ups help maintain the connections you’ve worked hard to establish.

In Short

Networking can dramatically transform personal brands and corporate images alike, creating pathways for opportunities that might otherwise go unnoticed. In the additive manufacturing industry, where innovation and personal expertise are highly valued, networking connects talented candidates with pioneering companies.

It’s also an excellent place to connect with recruiters from your sector…

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