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Kensington VIP

​In today’s age with technology changing the way we virtually do everything, it’s crazy to think we judge someone’s suitability to a job based on a black and white piece of paper. Why? Well, I guess you’d say a CV illustrates a candidate’s key attributes – it doesn’t, however, show you if this candidate will fit your company culture.

Answer? Kensington VIP (Video Interviewing Platform), an efficient way to streamline the hiring process by eliminating the first stage interview/’getting to know them’ interview. We ask all the questions our clients want to know in order to gain a detailed understanding of the candidates fit with the role and company.

Clients have the ability to cut out the telephone interview, and possibly even the first stage interview, reducing time and cost for both client and candidate. With the ability to make a better decision on who to bring in to interview, the ability to hire right first time is immediately increased – what would you do with all that time you have spent on unsuccessful first stage interviews? 

A two-way video conversation takes place between consultant and candidate which is recorded and uploaded to a portal where the client has 24hr access to review the video along with the CV and select a shortlist that can be put forward for an interview with themselves. Similarly, the client can upload a video explaining the company culture and what they desire from their employees, which the candidate can then review. 

Oh, did we mention this is completely FREE! No hidden stuff, just a great way to improve your hiring process.

Want to know more?

Click here and get in touch today.


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