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Increase employee recognition

What is Employee Recognition?

 Employee recognition is the acknowledgement of an employee’s work or effort. It can come in the form of verbal praise, a written note, a gift, or time off. Employee recognition is a crucial part of staff retention, as it makes employees feel appreciated and valued. It can also help boost morale and encourage employees to go the extra mile.

Why is employee recognition critical to a business’s success?

Employee recognition is crucial to a business’s success because it helps to motivate employees and keep them happy. When employees feel appreciated for their hard work, they are more likely to be productive and committed to their job. Employee recognition also helps to foster a positive company culture and build a sense of community among employees.

Recognising employee achievements and providing rewards for a job well done are great ways to show employees that you appreciate their contributions. By recognising employee accomplishments, you can help employees feel valued and appreciated, leading to better morale and lower turnover rates.

An employee recognition program makes sure your employees know how important they are to you. It also reminds them of the superb work they’ve done recently – which is especially beneficial to those working in departments where it can be challenging to show hard evidence.

What are the benefits of low staff turnover?

 When employee turnover rates are low, businesses enjoy many benefits. Low staff turnover rates mean that companies don’t have to spend time and money recruiting and training new employees.

 Furthermore, businesses with low staff turnover rates typically have more experienced and skilled employees, which leads to increased productivity and profitability.

 Lastly, businesses with low staff turnover rates are often more successful in retaining talent and expertise, which is crucial for long-term success.

How to make employee recognition a fundamental part of your company culture

 There are a few essential things that you can do to make employee recognition a fundamental part of your company culture.

 First, you need to ensure that recognition is part of your company values. This means that employees should be recognised for their achievements and hard work not just by their managers but also by their colleagues.

 Next, you need to create a recognition program that is easy to use and accessible to all employees. This programme should include a variety of rewards, your staff will love.

 Finally, you need to promote a culture of recognition within your company. For example, sharing success stories on social media or having a recognition week.

Ideas for employee recognition activities

 The hardest part of creating an employee recognition scheme is finding exciting and innovative ideas. So if you’re looking for ideas for employee recognition activities, here are some to get you started:

  1. Survey employees to get valuable feedback on recognition

When it comes to employee recognition, it’s essential to get feedback from employees about what kinds of recognition work best for them. One way to do this is by conducting a survey.

Some things to consider when creating a survey about employee recognition are:

  • What types of recognition would employees like to receive?
  • What motivates employees?
  • What makes employees feel appreciated?
  • What are some common reasons employees give for leaving a job?
  1. Recognise employees with a daily or weekly trophy

By awarding employees with a daily or weekly trophy, you show them that their efforts are appreciated and that you value their contributions to the company. This recognition can help keep talented employees from leaving your organisation, and it can also motivate others to work harder to be recognised.

  1. Publicise your employee recognition programs

Show off your fantastic workforce! Publicly acknowledging your staff is an excellent way of attracting new recruits. In addition, social media is a convenient way to show off your employee recognition schemes. Consider tagging staff members in posts on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Also, consider using hashtags such as #EmployeeAppreciationDay or #NationalEmployeeAppreciationDay to get the word out there!

  1. Create an employee wall of fame

One way to recognise employees’ achievements and hard work is to create an employee wall of fame. This can be a physical wall in the office or an online gallery. You could also create a digital badge that employees can add to their email signatures or social media profiles. The Employee Wall of Fame helps you to show off your company’s best and brightest employees.

  1. Emphasise that leaders must practice recognition

Leaders play a crucial role in employee recognition and retention. They must be able to identify the achievements of their employees and reward them accordingly. Recognition from leaders can go a long way in motivating employees and making them feel appreciated.

  1. Give gifts and treats to say thanks

Sometimes it’s difficult to find the words to thank employees for their hard work and efforts, which is why giving them gifts or treats can go a long way in improving morale and showing appreciation. Let’s face it, who doesn’t appreciate an unexpected gift?

  1. Use a points-based rewards system

Instead of giving employees a list of rewards to choose from, consider implementing a points-based rewards system. With a points-based system, you can reward employees for doing specific things. For example, for a sales team, you could give one point for each sales call attempted, and five for each landed. This is a great way to motivate employees because it shows them which activities are most valued by the company.

  1. Celebrate employee appreciation day

Having an Employee Appreciation Day can show your employees that their contributions and achievements are valued. A day like that can boost morale and motivate employees to do their best work. An Employee Appreciation Day also shows prospective employees that they’ll be treated well by the organisation, encouraging them to join the team.

  1. Celebrate employee birthdays

Remembering an employee’s birthday can go a long way in showing them that you care and appreciate what they do for the company.

  1. Recognise hard work with an off-site day job

Taking employees off-site is a different way to show them how much they mean to the company and reward them for their hard work. This will not only help employees relax and enjoy themselves, but it can also be a great way of building relationships.

  1. Reward volunteering and charity

Some organisations may struggle with budget limitations, but that doesn’t mean you can’t give back! By recognising employees who do charitable work, you’re not only giving them a great way to see what they’re doing makes a difference, but you’re also motivating other employees to get involved as well.

  1. Say it with a sticky note

A handwritten note on someone’s desk or PC can mean more than spoken words. Leaving sticky notes saying well done or great work can have a huge effect.

  1. Encourage employees to recognise daily wins

Don’t forget to remind employees to recognise their own achievements every day! Focusing on daily wins can give your team’s mental health a well-needed boost, particularly if they have a stressful role.

  1. Team shopping spree

Shopping sprees are a great way to bond as a team and have some fun. They also provide employees with an opportunity to shop for clothes, accessories, and other items they may not usually be able to afford.

  1. Recognise your star employees on social media

Praising your top performers on social media gives everyone’s profile a positive boost. Your employee feels recognised for their achievements, their network sees them being acknowledged, and customers, suppliers, and potential recruits see your business in a positive light.

  1. Offer professional development opportunities

One way to show employees that you appreciate them is to offer professional development opportunities. Helping employees grow their skills and stay up-to-date on the latest trends in their field benefits everyone.

  1. Celebrate important project milestones with your team

When key milestones are achieved, it’s important to celebrate with your team. This not only helps your employees feel appreciated but also encourages them to keep going on long-term projects when energy levels drop.

  1. Encourage peer-to-peer recognition

Encouraging employees to recognise each other’s achievements motivates your whole team and creates a bond between the team members. It also makes it easier for management to spot talent and identify future leaders.

  1. Say thanks with spontaneous treats and eats

Say thanks to employees in a fun way with spontaneous treats and eats. Simply leaving snacks on their desk or ordering lunch for everyone is an effective way to say thanks.

  1. Show appreciation with quality swag

Treat your employees with branded merchandise from their favourite brands. Branded swag not only shows that you appreciate them, but it can also give you a chance to promote your brand externally if the swag is branded towards a specific industry or company.

21.‘Thank you’ meeting

Spend an hour meeting with your employees and recognising everything they’ve done. Making a point of taking the time to thank the staff for their efforts is always appreciated by your team.

  1. Lunch with the boss

Reward employees with lunch with the boss. Whether at their favourite restaurant or bringing in catering.

  1. Charity Gala guests

If your company supports a charity, you could buy a table for their next event and invite your top-performing staff for a night out.

  1. Impromptu time off

Forgo the planned vacation days and give your employees time off whenever you see they are working extra hard. This will surprise them, motivate them to keep doing great work, and show that you appreciate their efforts.

  1. Start an “employee of the month” program

An employee of the month program can help you identify and reward your top performers.

  1. VIP parking Spot

If your business has a car park, give the best spot to an employee that you feel deserves it. This will show them that you appreciate their hard work and set them apart from the rest of the team.

  1. Send Them An Employee Care Package

Send your employees an employee care package with snacks, supplies, and personal treats.

  1. Give them some fresh air

Nothing compares to the excitement and joy of outdoor adventure as the experience goes beyond everyday life. Your team will create shared memories as they bond over organised activities.

  1. Invest In Their Wellness

Bring in mental health specialists or yoga practitioners to help your team de-stress and unwind. Maybe turn it into a pamper day!

  1. Get Them Something For Their Workspace

Say thank you with something for their workspace. You can find something inexpensive like flowers or decorative trinkets they will appreciate.

  1. Applaud A Work Anniversary

Whether it’s their first week or the 10th, the best way to show you appreciate your employees is by acknowledging their milestones.

  1. Support what they want to support

If an employee requests time off to work for a good cause, honour their request! These are the kind of authentic relationships that keep employees engaged and happy about working at your company.


As you can see, there are countless ways you can recognise your employees’ achievements at work. You don’t have to make it formal or expensive, but the most important thing is that you show them you notice their efforts. Remember, it costs far less to keep your staff than to replace them.

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